SEDA Land Past Events and Reports


Building Futures in Rural Scotland

Find the SEDA Land Event: Building Futures in Rural Scotland, that took place on Tuesday 18th April 2023, recorded below.

The event explored how people’s work-life balances have changed since the pandemic; more people are appreciating the health and wellbeing benefits of rural life and flexi-working. However, this can be isolating and difficult without appropriate infrastructure in place - including digital connectivity, availability of land, good transport links, healthcare and child care. We need more affordable, multi-generational homes, alongside places in which to work.

At this event, we heard about a range of innovative placemaking ideas some of which repurpose existing buildings and some of which are attractive new developments. We discussed the potential of rural enterprise hubs and hear from planners about the new National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) and how this can be translated down to the grassroots level. All these issues were addressed alongside infrastructure, availability of land, and flexi-working.

A New Vision for Land Use in Scotland - 6 Conversations


Read and download the full report attached below:

Cover. A New Vision for Land Use in Scotland - 6 Conversations.2308.jpeg

Watch the previous Land Conversations below: